Tag Archives: garden plants

My Sunday Photo: 4 June 2017

Antirrhinum or Snapdragon FlowerSometimes, just sometimes… it’s worth getting up early. Because, if there’s anything I find more fascinating than flowers, it’s the combination of flowers, sunlight, and raindrops. Early yesterday morning, this trio came together.
Water is fascinating. Not only essential for life, but able to contribute beauty to so many other things. Frost patterns on leaves in winter, raindrops on flowers like this antirrhinum, clouds in England’s ever-changing skies… and so many more.

It's kind to share!

My Sunday Photo: 22 May 2016

MaigoldThis early, beautifully-scented rose came into flower in my dad’s garden last week. It’s called ‘Maigold’ and flowers prolifically in late spring and early summer, then still has a few blooms later on.
Judging by most cut roses on sale in shops, if you want roses with any significant scent, these days, you need to grow your own!

Edit, Monday, 23 May 2016:
I’m also linking this to:

A Mum Track Mind
It's kind to share!