My Sunday Photo: 30 October 2016

Hamamelis LeafThe obvious, and yet amazing, thing to say about autumn leaves is that they are all different. Every single one. These hamamelis mollis leaves caught my attention last night.
We live in a commercialised world that tells us that perfection is beauty. But just take the time to look at nature, and you’ll see, in perceived imperfection, amazing beauty. What a lesson!

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My Sunday Photo: 23 October 2016

Apple Flower and FruitI think most of us would agree, we’ve been having a lot of weather lately. Cold, warm, fine, wet, clear, cloudy… you name it. What I caught in this picture is, no doubt, one of the many strange results. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything similar before!

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My Sunday Photo: 16 October 2016

Rose Hips - Rosa RugosaIt may be autumn, but in gardens, nature still has a good many delights. Once again, this is a picture from my father’s garden. These rose hips with a waxy sheen are the fruit of the delightful rose Rosa Rugosa the flowers of which I have shown on here previously.
I think the tinges of yellow and brown in the background foliage only makes them look more beautiful.

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My Sunday Photo: 9 October 2016

Strange Effect at SunsetI took this picture one evening last week. At first glance, it looks like a pretty, but otherwise unremarkable, sunset. And indeed, it was taken around the time of sunset. But here’s the unusual bit: the camera was pointing to the East. I’ve not yet researched how this effect happens. If you can tell me, please feel free to do so in the comments box! Thanks.

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