Tag Archives: nature

My Sunday Photo: 26 July 2015

MSP150726Yesterday (Saturday) gave me the chance to escape into the countryside, where the warm weather had brought these little creatures out in force!
High light levels make it easier to photograph them, as it is then possible to use a fast shutter setting and a small aperture; depth of field – the distance zone which will be in focus – is mush shallower at these close focusing settings.
You’ll notice these two bees were happy to share one flower; maybe humans have a bit to learn!

It's kind to share!

My Sunday Photo: 14 June 2015

MSP150614This scene was one of the highlights of a walk in the rain, on Friday evening. It’s always marvellous to watch how gracefully these creatures move. Perhaps the absence of crowds of people made them less afraid. As I slowly approached, they didn’t seem to mind.
The light was starting to fade; I had to use a slow shutter speed, and there will be some evidence of subject movement!

It's kind to share!

Ready for Take-off: A Magic Moment

For Magic Moments this week, hosted as usual at The Oliver’s Madhouse, I’m posting this picture of a bee. It isn’t the (technically) best picture of a bee I have ever taken, but I don’t think I will ever, EVER, capture a split-second moment like this again:

That Magic Moment...When I first viewed this shot after taking it, I couldn’t work out what had happened. Then I realised, by the process of elimination, the moment I had captured. The bee has opened its wings, but isn’t yet buzzing! That must be a very small interval, surely?

It's kind to share!

Monday Mobile: Late Entry

I’ve just decided that I’ll still post this, even though tomorrow is a new Monday. For one thing, I think Angie’s meme here at ‘Cakes Photos Life’ is a good idea. And for another, I just want to share the lesson I so often have to re-learn: open your eyes and notice what’s around you.
I was out walking nearby, looking for something interesting, and the whole scene looked dull and lifeless. Hardly a bird or a flower to be seen. And then I found this:

2013-02-23 17.28.51It took the sheer beauty of something that was ‘just’ a fungus to make me stop. I took pictures of it with my DSLR, from which  I selected my ‘Silent Sunday’ shot for last week. Then I thought I would, once again, see what sort of a job the camera in my phone could do. This was the result – although it did take a few attempts. But never before have I found a fungus that looked so pretty!

So, folks, play up and pass to the wing, and all that sort of thing. Give Monday Mobile some blog love. And who knows, next time I might manage to post a bit earlier, myself, and set a better example…

It's kind to share!