Tag Archives: contre jour

My Sunday Photo: 26 November 2017

IMGP1978Today, I wanted to convey the wintery chill along with the autumn colours. I found how to do this without really thinking about it very much. As it happened, it was convenient to shoot into the afternoon light, giving the bluish reflections from the wet leaves near the top of the picture. Does it make you shiver?

It's kind to share!

My Sunday Photo: 26 March 2017

Gorse - BacklitYesterday, as I found this gorse bush in full flower, I felt cheered up – it’s a plant I love for its vivid colour. But a photo seemed just very ‘ordinary’ at first. Then I remembered something I often tell other people; lighting is everything. I moved round, and shot almost into the sun, so that some of the colour is from transmitted light (not just reflected light) and the background is much darker. I found the high contrast suited the subject.

It's kind to share!