All posts by Phil

Nought to One Hundred in Nine Months

No, that isn’t a window sticker for my car. It’s the number of posts on this blog, before this one. In that time, I hope I’ve learned a little, reflected a little, progressed a little. Here and on Twitter, I’m grateful for the interest and good humour shown to me by so many people.

I grant you, many of those posts are a single photo with no words, and yet more are based on one or more photos with just a few words. Others are responses to prompts of various kinds. So thanks to all of you who’ve taken an interest and accepted this as part of my voice, my way of speaking.

The way you all face day-to-day trials of all kinds with grit and laughter still amazes me. What I ventured here in my first post still holds true. Thanks for coming along. The journey is unending; the views along the way are incredible.

It's kind to share!

An Unplanned Descent

This post was prompted by the ‘100 Word Challenge’ here, which requires the
five words shown in bold print to be used along with 100 further words.

The view from the aeroplane portholes was magnificent – an intense blue sky, and below us, mountains and the ocean, aquamarine.

Then – a sudden silence…

The loudspeakers crackled into life.
“This is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped.”

Passengers looked at one another, aghast. The ocean seemed gradually closer – telling us that the crew had acted quickly to put the aircraft into a controlled descent.

Then, after fifteen minutes, came a roar as first one, then another engine restarted, closely followed by the other two.

 Never was that roar more welcome. Our captain deserved – and finally, got – an award.

This account is based on what actually happened to flight BA009
from Kuala Lumpur on the 24th of June, 1982.

It's kind to share!

A Happy Ending

To understand the idea of this post, look here at the prompt (a photo) for the ‘100 word challenge’ –  complete with explanation – if you haven’t already done so. Then come back.

When we heard about this, my mates said I would be a – what is it you say? – ‘spoilsport!’ – not to join in. So I said yes. But I have a problem. I can’t sing – not very well. On the night, I wondered why I was there.

Then the van came with the musicians and instruments. One guy was missing – sick, someone said. Rolf, my friend, just passed me a violin – he knew I played a bit. “Go on, Yasi” he hissed, “We need you.” And… somehow, I just played. And I was happy then. I – what is it?- ‘forgot myself!’

At the same link (above) you will find a list of all the other entries.

It's kind to share!

The Sparkler – Part 2

To understand this post, first look at the prompt and explanation here if you are not
already familiar with it. Then read part 1, written by Sally-Jayne, here. 

After a full minute, he replied.
“Is it because of… what happened three years ago?”
Weak as she was, she jumped.
“How… did you know?”
“Remember my evening with your wise old mum?”
“And… you still love me?”
“Ellie, sweetheart, why am I here?”
Overcome, she melted into his arms.

It's kind to share!

The Wrong Season – Part 2

To understand this post, first read the explanation of the prompt here (if you don’t know the basic idea already) and then read ‘The Wrong Season’ (part 1) here, written by Mrs. Green at Well, I never… Then read on below:

Then, too late, she saw the glint in his eye.
“Half a kilo? Coming right up, madam.”
She struggled to keep a straight face.
“Mister Jarvis… If YOU have ME on a string ONCE more…”
It was hopeless to pretend, though. She knew it.
She loved it. He knew it.

It's kind to share!