Tag Archives: antics of children

Found at Last!

This post is written in response to the ‘100 Word Challenge’ here, where you’ll find links to lots more answers to the challenge! You’ll also see the prompt – which is a picture of a key resting in frosty grass.

Loss of temper, allegation and counter-accusation had done nothing to improve the situation; the key of the shed seemed to be irretrievably lost. Searches in pockets of spare coats, and combing the pathways outside had been fruitless. Snow had come, and gone. Finally, Dave was talking darkly of using a crowbar – and the cost of locks and the hassle of mending doors.
But this morning, the damp weather had given place to frost. Suddenly, the youngest child burst indoors, waving the key!
“Me find it outside in the gwass, mummy! Me remember now! Me had it for the snowman’s nose!

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