Wednesday Words: 13 February 2013

Once again, this post is written in answer to the link-up here, by Emma at Crazy With Twins. It’s being posted on Thursday 14 Feb as I had a special post to do last night. Emma suggested a theme based around ‘love’ for this week. After a little thought, I’m putting here a short poem of my own, that I’ve actually posted before:

The Time to Stay

Always grant yourself
The time to stay,
Looking for the sensitive;
Yet do not stray
From seeking empathy
That will reply;
Cling to the true
Heart, that encloses
Love, not the hate
It exposes.
That you are beautiful
None can deny.

If you care to read my original post, you will see how this poem was inspired by another one…

Wednesday Words

It's kind to share!

One thought on “Wednesday Words: 13 February 2013”

  1. HOW did I not see this before? deep, beautiful and most definitely about love. It makes me think about how often people take each other for granted and don’t make the time to just think about and feel the love we have for the people in our lives. x

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