Category Archives: Photography

Saturday Caption: 2 June 2012

Well, now. Nottingham is quite famous… First of all, I was born there. Well, I had to be born somewhere. And it turned out to be Nottingham. Next, it was the site of the World première of Exxopolis, the twentieth luminarium created by ‘Architects of Air’ – an event which took place just yesterday.* I’ll be telling you more about this incredible piece of architecture as soon as I can, but, for now, here’s a shot of the time when, as they say, all good things came to an end, and the fans (that’s blowers, not supporters) were switched off, and the structure was deflated until today. Those of us honoured to be guests at the opening had had an absolute whale of a time, but now it was time to call it a night.

I’ll pause now for all the schoolboy/girl jokes about ‘a bit of a let-down’ etc. The event as a whole was, indeed, anything but that. A big ‘thank you’ to Architects of Air and Lakeside Arts, Nottingham. We wish Exxopolis every success on its world tour.

*Oh, and Robin Hood? Yeah, him…

But here you are…

Now give me a caption, please, in the reply box…

It's kind to share!

The Gallery: Morning

I haven’t joined in here for a little while due to many commitments, but I saw this subject and was once again tempted to take part.

I’d like to introduce my readers to a highly valuable photographic accessory: An alarm clock. It’s also good to have handy a flask of tea or coffee, and some chocolate or other preferred energy food to sustain you at ridiculous o’clock. Oh, and you’ll need a tripod.

Plan an early-morning trip to a place of scenic beauty where you have a good Easterly view, and you can capture pictures like this:

Incidentally, you may care to look at my other blog post on this subject here – and check all the other submissions here.

It's kind to share!