Category Archives: My Sunday Photo

My Sunday Photo: 15 March 2015

MSP150315One day this past week, I was on a short routine journey over country roads, and had briefly stopped (yes, you’ve guessed it – to photograph something else!) when I looked round and saw this skyscape. I had literally seconds to capture it, before the drama was over. This is why I say that I collect moments.

It's kind to share!

My Sunday Photo: 22 February 2015

MSP150222One day last week, I came away from a job in this street, to see this, as rain began to tap on my car windscreen. It made me think, as I viewed this shot this morning: how many rainbows have passed over those houses since they were built? Two world wars have been fought. Those telephone lines have appeared, and now they carry this thing we call broadband. The TV aerials might have appeared in the 1950s at the earliest. There were cars in the street, too (remember, these houses were probably built before Benz and Daimler made one in 1885!)

And rainbows have come and gone.

It's kind to share!