Rite of Passage, or Grinning From ‘Ere to There?

This post is written in answer to the ‘100 word challenge’ prompt here, where you’ll also find links to other responses to this piece of harmless amusement. The brief is to write 106 words including the phrase shown in bold, in the genre of comedy…

After several unsuccessful attempts, suddenly, it was in my hand: the means to complete my odyssey unscathed. Now I knew that I would not be speared by Mr. Bowler Hat’s umbrella (unless he speared me on purpose – you never know these days, even though I’m not a spy) nor would I be hurled into a compromising position relative to Miss Pretty Young Office-girl (I don’t even know her.) I would reach my destination with neither multiple injuries nor acute embarrassment – clearly, no mean consideration.

Anyone else who has managed to lay claim to a grab handle round about Oxford Circus will appreciate what I’m talking about…

It's kind to share!

5 thoughts on “Rite of Passage, or Grinning From ‘Ere to There?”

  1. Had to read it a couple of times but once I got it, I loved it. Good take and amusing too.

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